C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Love Dolce® ‘Wildberry’ Heuchera ~ AKA Coral Bells

Name:  Dolce® 'Wildberry' Coral Bells Heuchera Type of Plant:  Heucheras are perennials that are native to North America… Dolce® ‘Wildberry’ grows to about 12” tall and 18” wide. This variety of coral bells blooms with white flowers that have pink calyxes. Why I Love...

The 2024 Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival

I'm excited! This is the 10th year of the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival and there will be 100 gardens on tour, plus many special events. Last night I presented a virtual talk about the event to 85 people from all over the USA: I gave them the backstory about this...

Making A Fake Plant

There are so many photos of fantastical plants making the rounds on social media. Black Iris with neon-colored veins and white stars...pink Hosta with orchid-like spires of flowers...one more outrageous than the next, and always people who think they are real. So this...
I Love Caladium

I Love Caladium

Name:  Caladium Type of Plant:  A tropical plant that’s grown as an annual in northern gardens. Why I Love/Hate this plant: Heart shaped leaves, a...

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