Name: Chionanthus virginicus aka fringe tree or old man’s beard. Type of Plant: A large shrub or small tree, native to the Eastern US, growing 15 to 30 feet tall and wide. Why I Love this Plant: If you’ve been to...
C. L. Fornari's Blog
I Love Hosta ‘June’
Name: Hosta ‘June’ Type of Plant: A Hosta variety that offers a weed smothering shade plant, blue/lime/sage-green colors, and low-growing height....
I Love Lagenaria siceraria aka Birdhouse Gourd
Name: Lagenaria siceraria aka bottle gourd, calabash or birdhouse gourd Type of Plant: An annual vine that produces gourds that can be made into...
I Love Crassula ovata aka Jade Plant
Type of Plant: A succulent shrub in warm climates, and a houseplant in colder areas, the jade plant is native to South Africa. The genus name comes...
I Love Epigaea Repens, aka Trailing Arbutus
Name: Epigaea repens, aka trailing arbutus or mayflower Type of Plant: Low-growing, evergreen native plant that has small, pinkish-white flowers in...
I Love Green Wave Mustard
Name: Green Wave Mustard Type of Plant: An easy to grow green for the garden that is cold-tolerant and delicious. This is a green to grow from seed...
Still Loving Rosemarinus officinalis ‘Salem’
Name: Rosemarinus officinalis 'Salem’ aka Salem rosemary or roasting rosemary Type of Plant: A bushy rosemary that is more likely to survive the...
I Love Solanum tuberosum ‘Carola’ aka Carola Potatoes
Name: Solanum tuberosum 'Carola' aka Carola potatoes Type of Plant: Yellow flesh potato with great yields and flavor. Why I Love/Hate this plant:...
A Warm-Hearted Play About Iris Breeders
Join fellow plant-lovers from around the world to watch a warm-hearted play about two frustrated plant breeders. This fabulous and funny play,...
What I’m Grateful For – The “P” Edition
For every letter of the alphabet you could write a list of things you're thankful for. Here, what I’m grateful for, “The P Edition” People My Family...
Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ aka purple leaf beech, River’s purple European Beech, copper beech
Name: Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' aka purple leaf beech, River's purple European beech, or copper beech Type of Plant: A very large, deciduous tree...
I Love Vitex agnus-castus aka Chastetree
Name: Vitex agnus-castus aka chastetree Type of Plant: A large shrub that flowers in mid to late summer. Hardy in Zone 6-8 Why I Love/Hate this...
I Love Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’ aka Coral Bark Maple
Name: Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' aka Coral Bark Maple Type of Plant: Small tree for part-shade, reaching 15 to 20 feet tall and wide. Hardy in...
I Love Perovskia atriplicifolia aka Russian sage
Name: Perovskia atriplicifolia aka Russian sage Type of Plant: Perennial plant for full sun and well drained soils. It has woody stems so doesn’t...
I Love Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’ aka upright Japanese Plum Yew
Name: Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' upright Japanese Plum Yew Type of Plant: Slow growing, upright evergreen that grows well in sun or...
I Love Baccharis halimifolia, aka groundsel or eastern baccharis
Sometimes it's great to appreciate a plant that doesn't live everywhere, doesn't flower all summer, and can't be kept "under control." Name:...
I Love Vernonia lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’ – aka ironweed
Name: Vernonia lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’ aka ironweed Type of Plant: A drought tolerant perennial for Zones 4-9, with grass-like foliage all...
I Love Cuphea hybrid ‘Cupver’, aka Cuphea Vermillionaire
Name: Cuphea hybrid 'Cupver' aka cigar plant, Cuphea Vermillionaire, firecracker plant Type of Plant: This Cuphea is an annual in northern...
Advice for Garden Clubs Re: Virtual Meetings
Since the pandemic hit, we are gathering virtually; attending church services online, having cocktails with friends, and visiting with friends or...