C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Love Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’ aka  Jelena Witch Hazel

Name:  Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’ aka  ‘Jelena’ Witch Hazel Type of Plant: A large shrub that flowers in February. Why I Love This Plant: Like other varieties of witch hazel, ‘Jelena’ flowers in the winter. It’s especially beautiful when the flowers are lit by...

I Love Cypripedium acaule aka Lady Slipper Orchid

Name:  Cypripedium acaule aka Lady Slipper Orchid Type of Plant: Native ground orchid that thrives in damp woodland and acidic soils Why I Love This Plant:     The more you know about the lady slipper orchid, the more there is to wonder about and admire. First of all,...

I Love Spotted Wintergreen aka Chimaphila maculata

Name:  Spotted Wintergreen aka Chimaphila maculata  Type of Plant: First of all we need to sort through the common names which are Striped Prince's Pine, Spotted Wintergreen, Pipsissewa, Spotted Pipsissewa, Ratsbane, Rheumatism Root, and Striped Wintergreen. Yikes!...
I Love Supertunia® Saffron Finch™

I Love Supertunia® Saffron Finch™

Name:    Supertunia® Saffron Finch™ from Proven Winners Type of Plant:  A new to the market hybrid petunia. Why I Love this Plant: Since most petunias flower on the ends of the newest growth, they can become...

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