Name: Pearly Everlasting aka Anaphalis margaritacea Type of Plant: A perennial native to north America with silvery foliage and long-lasting...
I Love Anigozanthos ‘Kanga Pink’ aka Dwarf Pink Kangaroo Paw
Name: Anigozanthos ‘Kanga Pink’ aka Dwarf Pink Kangaroo Paw Type of Plant: This is an evergreen perennial in zones 9-11, but a long-flowering...
I Love Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Sticks on Fire’
I Love Cardoon aka Cynara cardunculus
Name: Cardoon aka Cynara cardunculus Type of Plant: A perennial plant that’s used as an annual in northern areas, Cardoon is a relative of the...
I Love Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet.
Name: Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet. Type of Plant: Mounding shrub native to the Eastern USA Hardy in...
I Love Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata ‘SMNHSI’ aka Let’s Dance Can Do!®
Name: Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSI' aka Let's Dance Can Do!® Type of Plant: This is a hybrid of a bigleaf-hydrangea and a mountain...
I Love Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’
Name: Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’ Type of Plant: An annual salvia that has blue flowers, bright green leaves and black calyces. Why I Love...
I Love Veronicastrum virginicum aka Culver’s Root
Name: Veronicastrum virginicum aka Culver’s Root Type of Plant: A perennial native to North America that is important to pollinators and attracts...
I Love Nectaroscordum siculum aka Sicilian honey garlic
Name: Nectaroscordum siculum aka Sicilian honey garlic Type of Plant: Aka Mediterranean bells aka Allium siculum. A bulb with tall flowers in...
I Love Scaevola aemula aka Blue Fan Flower
Name: Scaevola aemula aka blue fan flower Type of Plant: A plant that comes from South Australia, perennial in warm climates and many varieties...
I Love Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’
Name: Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ Type of Plant: A low-growing, hardy perennial that makes attractive “socks and shoes” around shrubs or taller...
I Love Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum x pragense aka the Leatherleaf Viburnum and Prague Viburnum
Name: Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum x pragense aka the Leatherleaf Viburnum and Prague Viburnum Type of Plant: these are May-flowering,...
I Love Cyperus prolifer aka Queen Tut Papyrus
Name: Cyperus prolifer aka Queen Tut Papyrus Type of Plant: A native plant in Madagascar, this short growing papyrus is a good annual plant in...
I Love Pericallis hybrids Senetti® Cineraria Spring Annuals
Name: Pericallis hybrids Senetti® Cineraria Spring Annuals Type of Plant: These cool weather annuals come in shades of blue, purple and pink...
I Love Hibiscus rosa-sinensis aka Tropical Hibiscus
Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis aka tropical Hibiscus Type of Plant: A shrub in warm climates, and a flowering patio plant in northern areas. Why I...
I Love Amalanchier canadensis aka Serviceberry, Shadbush, and Shadblow
Name: Amalanchier canadensis aka Serviceberry, Shadbush, and Shadblow Type of Plant: A large, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree, with an open and...
I Love Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’ aka Major Wheeler Honeysuckle
Name: Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’ aka Major Wheeler honeysuckle Type of Plant: A variety of our native vine, Lonicera sempervirens, that...
I Love Heath and Heather
Name: Heath (Erica cinerea) and Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Type of Plant: These two plants are commonly called “heather” but they are two...