I Love Rosa ‘Meipeporia’ Oso Easy Double Red 

Oct 1, 2021 | Love This!

Name:   Rosa ‘Meipeporia’ Oso Easy Double Red

Type of Plant: This is a landscape shrub rose. It is hardy in zones 5 to 9, and grows about 4 feet tall and four feet wide.

Why I Love This Plant:  I’ve loved this rose for several reasons. First, because it’s disease resistant and the foliage stays green and clean though the season, even in the moist air and wet springs on Cape Cod. Secondly, I love the flowers – although they are called “red” I’d say they are a rose-red, or a deep pink. In other words, these aren’t fire engine red or blood red…they are a dark pink.

I also love this plant because I never deadhead it and the flowers just keep on coming. Some landscape roses continue to flower but they do best when you cut of the spent blooms in order to promote new flowering. I have never done this on Oso Easy Double Red.

This rose is great for cutting as well, and if you want a plant that is particularly strong with fall flowering, this shrub is for you.

A Word to the Wise:  Like all roses, place this in full sun. And like all shrubs, plant this where it can grow to be just beyond the projected height and width, so you will never need to try and keep it smaller. Allow a six foot diameter for width and five feet high and you’ll be a happy rose grower.

I have found Oso Easy Double Red to be totally carefree in my garden. Little to no blackspot on the foliage, and lovely rose-red flowers all summer.

I have this Oso Easy Double Red rose growing next to a Zinfin Doll hydrangea, and they are great partners.

Plant Rosa ‘Meipeporia’ – aka Oso Easy Double Red – in full sun and water it deeply once a week. Fertilize in the spring. Stand back and enjoy!



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