In My Gardens ~ Week of June 5

Jun 5, 2017 | Gardens

It was a cool and damp month of May at Poison Ivy Acres and the first four days of June continued in the same mode. This is fine with me, because I’m still planting. The veggie garden is planted, but I still have annuals to add to perennial gardens and containers. Not to mention an Annual Alley to fill. Here’s what’s going on in the gardens right now.

Any rhododendron that was watered in last summer’s drought is looking magnificent this year! Since the temperatures have been cool the flowers have lasted a bit longer. This is a peek at some of my rhodys, seen between a Dreamcatcher Kolkwitzia on the left, and the Blue Shadow Fothergilla on the right.

Sarracenias are also called pitcher plant.

Just for fun I planted a trough with Sarracenias this year. They are putting up their Muppet-like leaves, but I’ve also been treated to some unusual looking flowers as well.

In the “being creative with old junk” department, I’m giving you a look at the door to one shed. Made from two old watering can roses and copper piping.

I have a lean and lanky variegated Pelargonium that I save from year to year. At the spur of the moment I decided to stick cuttings in this purple pot. But since they were not rooted, they were in distress when the sun came out. A paper parasol comes to their rescue on sunny days.

At the top of the property is my trial garden and cutting gardens. A great deal of planting goes on here in May and June. On this day Sparky was doing his best to be “well behaved garden dog.”

My gardens will be open on three days of the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival, including for an early-morning photo shoot with coffee and treats on the first day! Details here. I hope you’ll visit and see what’s growing!


  1. Judy Nelson

    Hello C.L.,

    Recently you had a posting with photos about underplantings for a City Line Rio hydrangea, but I cannot locate it. Would you be willing to provide that link?


    • CL Fornari

      Judy – it was a petunia – Pretty Much Picasso from Proven Winners.


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