Here we are, in the middle of the week between Christmas and the New Year. In most businesses, this is a commonly viewed as a pause in the action, if not, as some have named it, a “dead week.“ But I welcome and embrace these days as a time of germination. We associate the New Year with resolutions for change, and most appreciate the time after Christmas as a week to take a deep breath, regroup and move on. In the plant world, such times are crucial for the preparation for growth.
When a seed moves from dormancy into the time when it may germinate and grow, it goes through a time of imbibition. It imbibes water and the enzymes and energies in the seed become hydrated in order to produce what the plant needs for spouting and growth. This is a model and a metaphor for us, as we move into the New Year. We are not in a dead zone, but in a time of imbibing…we are gathering our strength and can be focusing on our purpose for growth in the coming year.
Personally, I’m working on marketing and educational materials for my garden center so that we might help our customers tap into wellness and joy through plants. I’m working on a new book that helps garden makers understand how to think about their plants and landscapes in ways that are meaningful, accessible and fun. I am confident that I will soon connect with a literary agent who will share my vision about this book. And I’m excited about future collaborations with NICH, GardenComm, and friends like Ellen Zachos who are of like minds about the promotion of plants and gardens.
This is not a dead week. This is a time of celebration as we begin the exploration of the many ways we can grow in the coming year. What brings you joy? That’s what we focus on this week, and into 2023. Imbibe and move forward.

We are not dormant…birds and beyond, we’re seeking what we need to sustain our growth.

I’m working on a new book that combines garden information with my illustrations. Yes, this brings me joy, so I’m confident that I can germinate something wonderful.

Even in the coldest, most dormant times, there are opportunities to create joy.