Name: Euphorbia milii aka crown of thorns Type of Plant: A thorny, woody plant that is commonly sold as a houseplant in all parts of North America....
A Plant That Brightens Your Life – Inside and Out
Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Lemon Lime’ aka variegated corn plant. Type of Plant: A houseplant in northern climates but a broadleaf evergreen in...
One Of The Best Summer Squash Varieties To Grow
Imagine: On Thanksgiving day I just might have started a new tradition. In between putting the turkey in the oven and prepping the potatoes and...
Calamondin Citrus – An Indoor Edible Plant
Name: Calamondin citrus often called a calamondin orange. Type of Plant: These are a cross between a mandarin orange (Citrus reticulate) and a...
Growing ‘Winter Gold’
Imagine: A plant that is ordinary most of the year, but becomes startlingly beautiful as fall goes into winter. Name: Ilex verticillata ‘Winter...
I Love the Mad Hatter F1 Peppers
Name: Capsicum baccatum Mad Hatter F1 hybrid pepper. Type of Plant: A very productive pepper plant with a unique shaped fruit. This pepper was...
A Most Charming (and Edible!) Annual
Name: Tropaeolum majus – aka nasturtium Type of Plant: A warm weather annual that is the definition of cheerful. There are trailing varieties that...
Best Hardy Fall Mum…Dendranthema
Name: Dendranthema – aka Chrysanthemum or even perennial daisy mums. Whatever you call them, they are bone-hardy, dependable plants. Varieties...
Great Garden Bloggers
Need reading material for a rainy or winter day? Want large amounts of inspiration and plant information? Have I got a blog for you...well, several...
I Love Variegated Spreading Salmon Sunpatiens
Name: Variegated Spreading Salmon Sunpatiens Type of Plant: This variety of Sunpatiens forms a nice rounded plant that grows about 18” high and 20”...
A Bold Burst of Color In The Fall
Imagine: “My perennial garden looks bare and empty by September,” he said. “It doesn’t have to be that way,” she said. “Don’t talk to me about...
A Tree That Flowers in Fall
Name: Franklinia alatamaha – aka the Franklin tree Type of Plant: Small tree or multi-stemmed large shrub that’s hardy in zone 5 – 8. This plant...
A Small Vine For The Edible Landscape
Name: Basella rubra aka Malabar spinach Type of Plant: A tropical vine that can grow to about 6 feet tall in one growing season. Although this is...
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ – a classic large shrub
Name: Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ aka peegee hydrangea, or panicle hydrangea. Type of Plant: A large growing shrub – one of the first...
Oh Happy Day…the Tomato, Not The Song
Name: Oh Happy Day Hybrid Tomato from Burpee Type of Plant: A “junior beefstake” type tomato. Indeterminate, 4-5 oz fruit (in other words, medium...
A Plant That Plays Well With Others
Name: Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’ aka quilled petal black-eyed Susan Type of Plant: This is a perennial that’s native to the USA. This...
A Perennial for Pollinators, Butterflies and Bouquets
Imagine: Emma gazed out over the field in front of their new house. "Honey, wouldn't it be great to plant a butterfly meadow out there?" she asked....
Not A Plant For Control Freaks…
Imagine: Fran loved her purple angelica. When it came into flower in mid summer and the bees crowded into the blooms, she smiled. But her husband,...