Name: Chaenomeles speciosa Japanese flowering quince
Type of Plant: A thorny, deciduous shrub that flowers in the early spring. This species stays shorter than others, and doesn’t sucker to the sides as much. This plant commonly grows to 3 or 4 feet tall and six feet wide.
Why I Love This Plant: These are one of the earliest flowering spring shrubs, with blooms that resemble semi-double roses. I love that some of them produce quince fruit, which is wonderful for making sorbets, jelly or syrups for cocktails. And I love how the pink, red or coral flowers look with other spring flowering plants.
A Word to the Wise: Quince should be placed where you’ll see them in the early spring, and near other shrubs that will flower later in the summer. So placing them in front of Hydrangea paniculata varieties, purple-leaf ninebark (Physocarpus) and with perennial Volcano Phlox, for example, would be a great combination.
Because of the spines and herky-jerky stems, these can make good low fences to keep animals and people from crossing boundaries.