C. L. Fornari's Blog

A Postcard Invitation…

This postcard from The Green Man is celebrating my guest on The Garden Lady on February 29th. It is my great pleasure to be speaking with Ellen Zachos, author of Mythic Plants - Potions and Poisons from the Gardens of the Gods.  

A Postcard From The Natural Garden

If Nature's Green Team sends you a postcard that welcomes you to the Natural Garden, it's time to listen up!

Welcome to Joy – A Postcard From Plants

Your plants and gardens welcome you to enjoy flowers, fragrance, colors, textures and great tasting food. And be sure to share this wealth! Do you know a young person who is interested in nature and plants? Check out the resources on the Seed Your Future website. See...
Poems for a New Year

Poems for a New Year

My friend Kirk Brown posted this Ogden Nash poem on his Facebook page today, an annual tradition for him. I have always loved Ogden Nash...as a...

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