C. L. Fornari's Blog

Winter Cuttings of Geraniums

I usually dust my cuttings with rooting hormone powder, but frankly, you could also stick the stems in a small bottle of water and let them root that way as well. If you have a large Pelargonium and take cuttings off the entire plant, that will rejuvenate the mother...

A Postcard From Evergreens

What if you could get a postcard from Mother Nature, The Green Man, or the plants themselves? A postcard contains pithy advice about gardens and growing plants from the point of view of the natural world. Here is a card from the plants that keep their foliage 365 days...
A Postcard From Evergreens

A Postcard From Evergreens

What if you could get a postcard from Mother Nature, The Green Man, or the plants themselves? A postcard contains pithy advice about gardens and growing plants from the point of view of the natural world. Here is a...

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Periodically I will type a search term into my photo library to see what comes up. It always shows me any picture of text where that word appears,...

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Planting on Top of Stumps

Planting on Top of Stumps

If you've got a tree stump - or better yet two or three tree stumps - you've got a great place for growing moss, perennials or annuals. Here are...

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Making A Fake Plant

Making A Fake Plant

There are so many photos of fantastical plants making the rounds on social media. Black Iris with neon-colored veins and white stars...pink Hosta...

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