C. L. Fornari's Blog
The 2024 Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival
I'm excited! This is the 10th year of the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival and there will be 100 gardens on tour, plus many special events. Last night I...
Making A Fake Plant
There are so many photos of fantastical plants making the rounds on social media. Black Iris with neon-colored veins and white stars...pink Hosta...
I Love The Ringo All-Star™ Rose
Name: Ringo All-Star™ Rose aka Rosa x 'ChewEyesUp' Type of Plant: Smaller size shrub rose (2 to 3 feet tall and wide) with the most...
I Love Potentilla canadensis aka Dwarf Cinquefoil
Name: Potentilla canadensis aka Dwarf Cinquefoil Type of Plant: Typically thought of as a weed, this is a low-growing cinquefoil for sun or...
I Love Cymbopogon citratus aka Lemon Grass
Name: Cymbopogon citratus aka Lemon Grass Type of Plant: A tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. A culinary herb that’s easy to grow as an...
Is This A Foxglove?
It is mid-May in my garden, and a time when biennials, weeds, and perennials are growing fast. It's also a time when I see posts on social media...
I Love Prunus maritima aka Beach Plum
Name: Prunus maritima aka beach plum Type of Plant: A native North American shrub that flowers in the spring. Hardy to zones 4-9 Why I Love this...
I Love Geum triflorum aka Prairie Smoke
Name: Geum triflorum aka Prairie Smoke Type of Plant: A native North American perennial that has interesting spring flowers that turn into fine...
I Love Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’ aka Sensation Lilac
Name: Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’ aka Sensation Lilac Type of Plant: This shrub is the old fashioned, large growing lilac, with big blooms and a...
I Love Phlebodium aureum aka Living Lace® Davana aka Blue Star Fern
Name: Phlebodium aureum aka Living Lace® Davana aka Blue Star Fern Type of Plant: Houseplant for most people, although it might live outdoors in...
I Love Cordyline fruticose Cultivars aka Ti Plant:
Name: Cordyline fruticose cultivars aka Ti Plant: Type of Plant: Tropical plant that is evergreen where it’s hardy, with multi-colored leaves....
Not So Fond of Ilex crenata ‘Sky Pencil’
98% of the plants featured here are plants I love. I’ve hated a couple in the past, but this week, but hate is a pretty strong word. Today, I’m...
Garden AI Causing Problems
The green industry is reeling today with the announcement that the AIPlantBot Company is experiencing problems with the first artificial...
I Love Sun Parasol Giant Peach Sunrise Mandevilla
Name: SUN PARASOL® GIANT Peach Sunrise Mandevilla hybrid Type of Plant: A tropical vine with large flowers. Why I Love This Plant: This tropical...
I Love Lilium aka Oriental and Orienpet Lilies
Name: Lilium aka Oriental and Orienpet Lilies Type of Plant: Oriental and orienpet lilies are bulbs that flower in mid or late summer. Most of...
The Garden Maker’s Circle of Life
I Love Galanthus nivalis aka Snowdrops
Name: Galanthus nivalis aka snowdrops Type of Plant: A bulb that flowers in the late winter and early spring. Common snowdrops are native to...
I Love Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’ aka red bee balm
Name: Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' aka Jacob Cline bee balm Type of Plant: Native perennial that was discovered in a Georgia garden. Why I Love...