C. L. Fornari's Blog

When You Intend A Plant To Be Destroyed

There are some perennials that we place in the garden hoping that they aren't eaten by rabbits, beetles, or caterpillars. But there are others that we plant, hoping that they will be munched, shredded or otherwise destroyed. The pearly everlasting (Anaphalis...

I Love Rockin’® Fuchsia Salvia hybrid

Name: Rockin'® Fuchsia Salvia hybrid 'BBSAL00301' USPP 30,923, Can 6,296 Type of Plant: A hybrid Salvia that is great in containers or planted in mass in the ground. Why I Love this Plant: I love the color of Rockin'® Fuchsia, and the fact that the bumble bees are...
I Love Ixora coccinea

I Love Ixora coccinea

Name:  Ixora coccinea aka jungle geranium or flame of the woods. Type of Plant: A shrub in tropical areas (zones 10-11) but a summer tropical pot...

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