C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Love Calocephalus brownii ‘Silver Sand’ aka Cushion Bush

Name:  Calocephalus brownii 'Silver Sand' aka Cushion Bush Type of Plant:  A silver-foliaged, finely textured plant typically sold as an annual in most of the US. This is also becoming a popular holiday plant at this time of year, however, because the texture and...

I Love Bromeliads

Name:   Bromeliads  Type of Plant:   Members of the Bromeliaceae family -  a large group of plants mainly native to the tropical Americas. Why I Love This Plant: This group of plants are lovely, low-maintenance plants for indoor color and a tropical feel in northern...

I Love Philodendron pinnatifidum × melinonii hybrid aka Philodendron Golden Crocodile

Name:   Philodendron pinnatifidum × melinonii hybrid aka Philodendron Golden Crocodile Type of Plant:  A yellow-green variety of Philodendron that’s native to Columbia, South America, and a pretty easy-to-grow houseplant in the rest of the world.   Why I Love This...
I Love Phlox ‘Jeana’

I Love Phlox ‘Jeana’

Name: Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ aka phlox Jeana Type of Plant: A perennial that grows about four feet tall and has pink flowers from mid-August into...

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I Love Nicotiana

I Love Nicotiana

Name: Nicotiana hybrids and species. AKA flowering tobacco. Type of Plant: An annual plant that self-seeds when it’s happy. Tubular flowers attract...

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