C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Hate Spiderwort

As you can see from previous posts, most of the time I'm loving a plant. Not so much when it comes to spiderwort... Name:   Perennial Tradescantia aka spiderwort   Including T. x andersoniana, T. occidentalis, and T. ohiensis Type of Plant:  Perennial plants that are...

I Love Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet.

Name:  Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet. Type of Plant:  Mounding shrub native to the Eastern USA  Hardy in Zones 5 to 9 Why I Love This Plant:  This is an easy to grow shrub that is useful in many locations. It will grow in sun or...

I Love Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata ‘SMNHSI’ aka Let’s Dance Can Do!®

Name: Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSI' aka Let's Dance Can Do!® Type of Plant: This is a hybrid of a bigleaf-hydrangea and a mountain hydrangea, so you get the advantages of both. It will grow about three feet tall and wide, and is best planted in part sun to...
Dear Garden Lady

Dear Garden Lady

Selected letters asking The Garden Lady's advice... Dear Garden Lady, I woke up with a black eye and blamed the dog, but it was actually the garden...

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I Love Star Magnolias

I Love Star Magnolias

Imagine: As you stare out your kitchen window you imagine how it would be to have a small tree centered in the yard so that you’ll see it in all...

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I Love Coleus

I Love Coleus

Imagine: You have a spot in the landscape where a large splash of color is needed. Preferably brilliant, show stopping color. It might be in the...

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I Love Bolero Carrots

I Love Bolero Carrots

Imagine: You’re in the mood for something that’s organic and garden-fresh. You want the intense flavor only found in freshly picked produce....

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