Dear Autumn Plants, Our growing season celebration is winding down rapidly. Some of you quietly slipped out a couple of months ago without even so...
Great Garden Bloggers
Need reading material for a rainy or winter day? Want large amounts of inspiration and plant information? Have I got a blog for you...well, several...
I Love Variegated Spreading Salmon Sunpatiens
Name: Variegated Spreading Salmon Sunpatiens Type of Plant: This variety of Sunpatiens forms a nice rounded plant that grows about 18” high and 20”...
Fall Window Box Ideas
I don't have boxes under the windows of my house, but I did plant two boxes that were on the front porch for the summer. I had two identical metal...
What Should I Do With All These Leaves?
I've gotten a couple of emails recently from people who are already dreading the annual leaf drop on their property. One man was tired of paying to...
I Love Rosa rugosa…I Hate Rosa rugosa
Imagine: Talk about a love/hate relationship! Yes, I have one with this rose. Name: Rosa rugosa aka rugosa rose or beach rose Type of Plant: A...
Saving Dahlia Tubers
In the fall the dahlia's are the best flowers in the cutting garden. But even as they are in their glory, it's time to think about saving them...
Why Isn’t My Moonflower Blooming?
Like many others, I plant moonflower (Ipomoea alba) in the early summer to fill a small trellis with a quickly growing annual vine. I anticipate the...
Wonderful Sambucus aka Elderberry
Imagine: This week's story is true. Yesterday I went up to the large elderberry bush at the top of our cutting garden. This year's berry production...
My Open Gardens & The Hydrangea Festival
Updated 7/13/17 The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival has three more days to go. This event is ten days when we celebrate lovely gardens, hydrangeas, and...
In My Gardens ~ Week of June 5
It was a cool and damp month of May at Poison Ivy Acres and the first four days of June continued in the same mode. This is fine with me, because...
I Hate Rhododendron ‘Blue Baron’
Imagine: Yes indeed. Imagine a plant that looks fantastic in the garden center when it's fresh from the grower. But that plant is out for just one...
What is Wrong With My Hydrangea Leaves?
This is the question I asked myself for three years. The first year I noticed the brown-gray "knitted" look on my leaves I thought it was wind...
Soil Amendment From The Top Down
People often ask about fertilizing in the spring, but many ignore how Nature fertilizes and amends soil. There is no little Fertilizer Fairy...
Hellebore House
People who live in neighborhoods with sidewalks are so lucky. It's easy to walk past area yards and gardens, and appreciate plantings that might...
Spring Equinox
Today is the first day of spring. In some parts of the world spring weather has come and gone. In others it is in full bloom, while in the more...
GWA – A Crowdsourced Poem
I belong to GWA: The Association For Garden Communicators. It is the group for those who write, speak, teach, blog, photograph or otherwise...
How to Stake A Flopping Peony – Attractively!
Faced with a peony with heavy flowers falling into the dirt, must gardeners stick a heavy stake in the back and wrap a cord around the circumference...