If you have ever had the opportunity to move to a new property and plant new gardens, I think you'll know how I'm feeling right now. In my lifetime I've been fortunate enough to start new gardens at least six times,...
C. L. Fornari's Blog
I Love Spotted Wintergreen aka Chimaphila maculata
Name: Spotted Wintergreen aka Chimaphila maculata Type of Plant: First of all we need to sort through the common names which are Striped Prince's...
I Love Camellia Species and Hybrids
Name: Camellia species and hybrids Type of Plant: Evergreen shrubs that flower in the fall, winter or early spring. Camellia japonica and Camellia...
I Love Jasminum Polyanthum aka Pink Jasmine, White Jasmine or Winter Jasmine
Name: Jasminum polyanthum aka pink jasmine, white jasmine or winter jasmine Type of Plant: A fast growing vine or climbing plant that flowers in...
The Four Noble Truths of Gardening
I Love Tinantia pringlei aka Mexican Speck
Name: Tinantia pringlei aka Mexican Speck Type of Plant: Perennial groundcover for part-sun to light shade. Mexican speck is in the tradescantia...
I Love Ageratum Blue Horizon
Name: Ageratum ‘Blue Horizon’ Type of Plant: An annual, typically available in six-packs in the garden center, but also easy to grow from seed....
Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata ‘SMNHSME’ USPP 34,327, Can PBRAF aka Let’s Dance Sky View®
Name: Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSME' USPP 34,327, Can PBRAF aka Let's Dance Sky View® Type of Plant: A smaller growing Hydrangea that...
I Love Silene coronaria aka Lychnis coronaria aka Rose Campion
Name: Silene coronaria aka Lychnis coronaria aka Rose Campion Type of Plant: A cottage garden plant that is grown as an annual, biennial or...
I Love Citrus meyeri aka Meyer Lemon Improved
Name: Citrus meyeri aka Meyer Lemon Improved Type of Plant: A dwarf variety of lemon tree that produces rounder, more seed free fruit that has a...
I Love Laurus nobilis aka Bay Laurel
Name: Laurus nobilis aka bay laurel Type of Plant: This evergreen tree, native to the Mediterranean, is most popular for the bay leaves that we use...
I Love Calocephalus brownii ‘Silver Sand’ aka Cushion Bush
Name: Calocephalus brownii 'Silver Sand' aka Cushion Bush Type of Plant: A silver-foliaged, finely textured plant typically sold as an annual in...
I Love Bromeliads
Name: Bromeliads Type of Plant: Members of the Bromeliaceae family - a large group of plants mainly native to the tropical Americas. Why I...
I Love Philodendron pinnatifidum × melinonii hybrid aka Philodendron Golden Crocodile
Name: Philodendron pinnatifidum × melinonii hybrid aka Philodendron Golden Crocodile Type of Plant: A yellow-green variety of Philodendron that’s...
I Love The Buckskin Pumpkin From Ball Seed
Type of Plant: A medium size, eating pumpkin that was bred for a sweet, deep orange flesh. Why I Love This Plant: I was pleased when the good...
Christmas Merchandise so EARLY?
I work at a family owned, independent garden center, and yes, we start putting out Christmas merchandise in early October. I see posts on social...
Dried Flower Fun
In September I was inspired by an article in BBC Gardener's World Magazine about a woman who dried dahlias. On a whim, I picked some of my dahlias...
I Love Ginkgo Biloba
Name: Ginkgo biloba aka ginkgo tree Type of Plant: Ginkgos are ancient trees that are native to east Asia. There are many cultivars that range from...
I Love Staghorn Sumac aka Rhus typhina
Name: Staghorn Sumac aka Rhus typhina Type of Plant: A native tall shrub or small tree that can sucker to the sides to create thickets or clusters....